9 July 2020

When will there be a cure for Covid-19?

THERE IS NO CURE for the common cold and because that was caused by a previous version of Coronavirus, we have to consider the probability that a completely protective vaccine anytime soon is unlikely.   

Expert opinion varies from 18 months to 10 years (from Lab to Doctor's surgery) for a fully working vaccine, however, until it's thoroughly tested, the most effective way to dodge the disease is to starve the virus by keeping away from other people as much as we can.  So, in the short-run, if we keep as far away from potential carriers, wear face barriers (screens and masks), wash our hands and the surfaces where the virus lingers, we should be able to keep the virus within manageble limits.

According to W.H Allen, the author of: The Pandemic Century, and speaking in June 2020, scientists' working in Asia have identified 500 Coronaviruses (mainly in bats) and 50 of those have the potential to cause as much disruption and death as Covid-19. In the longer term, therefore, it's essential that scientists' working in epidemiology are properly funded and worldwide investment in health systems are sufficient to identify, then isolated animal-based Coronaviruses before they have a chance to spread.  

Vaccine Tracker

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